Our Vision

MORS FOUNDATION's vision is to help the Black American Community advance economically through Information Technology and the Science of Agriculture.

Farmer Couple Holding Vegetable Crate
Black Flat Screen Computer Monitor


  • Adults in Technology - This program teaches our adults the ​basic use of a pc which enables them to communicate with ​their distant family via email and web chat. Adults also learn ​how to manage bills online and online security.
  • Teens in Technology - This programs was created for the ​teens that have aged out of summer daycare and who are ​interested in IT, media, and computer networks. MORS ​FOUNDATION partners with local companies to offer teens a ​paid internship for the summer and through the course of ​their school year.
  • Black American Agriculture - Currently a work in progress.

College students

Contact Us

Phone: (864)-485-5187

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Business Hours

Monday to Friday

10:00 am to 5:00 pm